Treatment for all conditions
does not have to mean one size fits all treatment.
We provide tailored physical therapy for those who are...
Experiencing chronic pain and needing a trusted professional who will understand your pain and, then, provide effective treatments that relieve your pain
Injured and needing a trusted professional who will safely walk with you every step of the way to your recovery goal
Needing post-operative care and a trusted professional who will genuinely care about your daily progress, providing you with a tailored treatment plan and hands-on care
At risk of falling and looking to improve balance and learn fall prevention methods
Lystra provides the care you need.
Learn what conditions we treat most frequently below.
Ankle pain can be caused by the ligaments supporting the joints, the muscles that cross or attach to the joints, poor alignment, or limited range of motion and joint movement. We assess the kinetic chain, looking at the knee and hip for weakness or poor alignment. We treat ankle pain with manual therapy, stretching and strengthening exercises, range of motion activities, modalities to reduce pain and inflammation, and dry needling.
You may be experiencing upper, mid-back, or low back pain. There are many causes of back pain that can range from poor posture, spinal alignment, muscle pain, and disc issues. We often see low back pain caused by tight hip flexors that have shortened with prolonged sitting. Depending on your diagnosis, we will treat using manual therapy, stretching and strengthening programs, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, heat or ice, and, if appropriate, dry needling.
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal tunnel is the irritation and compression of the nerves that travel through the wrist. You may experience tingling and numbness in the hands. Note these symptoms can also be a radicular symptom caused by tight neck musculature. Dry needling is an effective treatment for carpal tunnel. We will also use manual therapy, stretching and strengthening exercises, modalities, and nerve glides to treat your carpal tunnel.
Headaches and Migraines
Headaches and migraines are often caused by tight neck musculature and spasmed sub-occipitals (the small muscles at the base of the skull). Often this is a result of poor posture or cervical alignment, bad sleeping positions, and stress. We treat this using manual therapy, posture correcting exercises, body mechanics and ergonomics, and pain reducing modalities. Dry needling is also an effective treatment for tension and cervicogenic headaches.
Hip pain can be at the front, side, or back of the hip and has many causes including bursitis, hip flexor tendonitis, tight musculature, SI dysfunctions, tight joint capsule, labral tears, or arthritis. Depending on your diagnosis and our observations of holding patterns, we will treat using manual therapy, stretching and strengthening exercises, pain and inflammation reducing modalities, and if appropriate, dry needling.
Knee pain has many causes that often may not even be the knee’s fault. It can be bursitis, arthritis of the joint, poor patellar tracking, poor knee alignment due to weak hips or genetics, popliteal cysts, or just tight musculature and spasms. We assess the body up and down to determine what may be the cause. Depending on your diagnosis, we treat using manual therapy, gait training, stretching and strengthening exercises, inflammation and pain modalities, and, if appropriate, dry needling.
Pelvic Health
We treat conditions related to pelvic health including pelvic pain, prolapse, and urinary incontinence (stress, urge, mixed), bowel dysfuction such as constipation, difficulty with bowel movements, or incontinence, pregnancy and postpartum. An underactive or overactive pelvic floor can cause issues with urine and fecal leaking with activities such as jumping, lifting heavy objects, and running. We treat this using skilled learned through the Pelvic Health Academy of the American Physical Therapy Association. Treatment will include, as indicated by the evaluation process, exercise, biofeedback, electrical stimulation, posture, core and hip strenth, manual therapy internally and external.
Neck pain is a common complaint in our clinic and often due to poor posture with a forward head and shoulders. Not your fault, per se, perhaps it’s the desk job. Tight neck musculature and sub-occipitals can cause pain in the neck and may refer pain to the head causing headaches and migraines. We treat neck pain using manual therapy to release spasmed muscles, posture correcting exercises and stretches, pain reducing modalities, ergonomics, and dry needling, if appropriate.
Sciatica is the impingement, injury, or irritation of the sciatic nerve. The most common reason for sciatica that we see in our clinic is due to tight hip external rotator muscles that clamp down on the sciatic nerve. Other more serious causes are herniated disc, bulging disc, or bone spurs of the vertebral bodies that affect the nerve root. Pain often begins in the gluteal area and extends down one leg. Treatment includes manual therapy to release tight muscles impinging on the nerve, stretching and strengthening exercises, pain reducing modalities such as electrical stimulation, heat, or ice. Dry needling can be used to treat sciatica.
Shoulder pain can be a rotator cuff tear, tendonitis, bursitis, tight musculature, frozen shoulder, impingement, or arthritis. One of our most common reason seen for shoulder pain is shoulder impingement and spasmed muscles of the rotator cuff. A huge contributor to these is poor posture with a forward head and shoulder joint. This alters the anatomy and alignment of the shoulder leading to shortened muscles in the front and elongated weak muscles in the back. We treat with manual therapy, posture correcting exercises, awareness training, ergonomics and body mechanics, pain and inflammation reducing modalities, and sometimes dry needling.
Surgeries most often require a recover and rehab period. Our expert care will help make that recovery successful and comfortable. Surgeries may include joint replacements, connective tissue repairs such as ACL or Rotator Cuff repais, abdominal surgeries, spinal fusions, disc replacements, joint fusions, and more. Treatment for these conditions vary widely as they all have specific needs, but as always, you are treated with individualized and tailored care.
TMJ, short for temporomandibular joint, is a dysfunction of the joint causing inflammation of the joint itself. It can be caused by trauma, grinding or clinching of the teeth, or many other causes. You may have pain at the jaw, behind the ears, facial pain, locking or clicking of the jaw, difficulty chewing. We may have tight facial muscles causing a deviation of the jaw with opening that is causing increased irritation to the joint. Dry needling and manual therapy are very effective for TMJ. We will also assess your posture which can result in a change in the alignment of your jaw.
Plantar Fasciitis/Foot
Foot pain is often lumped into plantar fasciitis, but sometimes is caused by tissues other than the plantar fascia. You may have pronation of the foot or spasmed musculature. Plantar fasciitis, on the other hands, is irritation and tightening of the thick connective tissue on the bottom of the foot which may lead to bones spurs at the heel. Pain is often worst in the morning and presents at the heel. Dry needling is an effective treatment, along with manual therapy, stretching and strengthening exercises, and pain and inflammation reducing modalities.
Golfer’s/Tennis Elbow
The medical terms for these diagnoses are medial epicondylitis and lateral epicondylitis, respectively. This is the inflammation and pain at the elbow caused by over use or repetitive movements. We treat these conditions using manual therapy, stretching, inflammation and pain reducing modalities, and often dry needling.
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