Post op tips: Hysterectomy

The Joy’s of Insurance
Confused about insurance? Check this out to learn a bit more and not be surprised when that bill comes.
The “ILU” Massage for Constipation
What does your Poo look like? Bristol Stool Chart
Did you know that your poo should have a certain consistency? The shape and consistency of your stool can tell us how long that stool is staying in the intestinal tract, how much or how little water you may be drinking, what your diet consists of and if you are consuming enough fiber.

Got Constipation? Could it be Poor Coordination?
When you have trouble with the “go”, follow these tips to make it “flow”.

Incontinence and Physical Therapy
Patient may experience leaking of urine when just living their everyday lives. It can cause stress, pain, embarrassment, and be inconvenient for their day to day. But, it doesn’t have to and there is hope with specialized physical therapy.

Improved Balance With One Video

5 Tips for Improving Balance
Body awareness and better balance can prevent falls and subsequent injuries. Balance is important for everyone to work to improve, no matter your age…

Tired of Low Back Pain?

Prevent Falls with These Simple Steps
Tips from a physical therapist on preventing falls