Pelvic health

Men and women both can experience aggravating conditions related to the pelvic floor. Conditions include urinary incontinence, bowel incontinence or constipation, pelvic pain with daily living or sexual functions. These conditions can come about for many reasons including delivery of a baby, trauma, stress, and coordination issues.

Pelvic Health is Vital.

  • Urinary Dysfunction and Prolapse

    Urinary issues can range from little leaks when you sneeze to full voiding when standing up, or frequent urges to void your bladder. There are several types of incontinence that include stress incontinence, urge incontinence, and a mixture of both. Prolapse occurs when the pelvic floor or connective tissue no longer supports the vagina, cervix, bladder, or rectum.

  • Bowel Dysfunction

    Bowel incontinence and constipation drastically change our lives. These conditions can cause pain and embarrassment making us alter our daily lives around them. You may be experiencing constipation, bowel or flatulence incontinence, irritable bowel syndrome, and more.

  • Pelvic Pain

    Pelvic pain can be difficult to live with and too often it’s dealt with alone. Until recently, the pelvic floor was an unknown territory and any talk of treating it was taboo. You may experience pain with urination or defecation, painful intercourse, pain with sitting or movement, and this pain can feel like it’s affecting your entire hip complex and more.

  • Pregnancy and Postpartum

    A strong pelvic floor, and well-coordinated one, can make the pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum experience more enjoyable. Often women will experience any of the other pelvic conditions during this phase of life, all of which can be treated and improved with pelvic physical therapy.


Joshlyne Villano is one of our Physical Therapist Assistants who developed an interest in pelvic health physical therapy after experiencing pelvic pain herself. She is our primary treating therapist for pelvic floor conditions. She has continued her learning and understanding of the pelvic floor and its conditions through the APTA Academy of Pelvic Health Physical Therapy.

She has taken multiple hand’s-on course, including:

  • Pelvic Health 1 Urinary Incontinence and Prolapse

    • Didactic Portion : 16 CEU

    • Lab Portion: 9 CEU

  • Pelvic Health 2 Pelvic Pain and Bowel Dysfunction

    • Didactic Portion: 31 CEU

    • Lab Portion: 9 CEU

  • Fundamentals of Pregnancy and Postpartum

    • Didactic Portion: 16 CEU

    • Lab Portion: Will complete April 23, 2022

Blogs About Pelvic Health


Pelvic Health Resources

Here you can find resources that may be mentioned to you in treatment, but also resources that may help if you aren’t in treatment with us. We do not earn a commission from the sale of any of these products. Click the items to follow the links.

***These resources are not to be considered specific recommendations for you or to be used as a replacement for medical care.


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